Be a part of an elite and expanding group! You’ll be in good company. Learn how more than 218 ANCC PTAP-accredited programs in 780 (and growing) sites around the world are putting PTAP to work at their organizations and the difference it's making for the nursing workforce.
PTAP accredited three types of transition to practice programs (TTP).
TTP programs that use the ANCC PTAP framework find value in being able to improve structures and processes by creating robust, comprehensive programs for nurses’ and APRN transitioning into and within the profession.
ANCC PTAP is one of ANCC’s internationally renowned credentialing programs that certify and recognize health care organizations that promote nursing excellence and quality patient outcomes while providing safe, positive work environments.
In addition, ANCC PTAP is recognized by the U.S. Department of Labor as a Standards Recognition Entity for Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship Programs (IRAP).
ANCC is the only nurse credentialing organization to successfully achieve ISO 9001:2015 certification.
ANCC PTAP programs:
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NPD-BCTools for Measuring Transition to Practice Program Outcomes (1.0 CE)
Essential Self-Care for Essential Workers: How to Make Yourself A Priority
The ANCC Practice Transition Accreditation Program® sets the global standard for residency or fellowship programs for registered nurses (RNs) and advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs).